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Photo:  Partners and staff wish Dr Lim all the very best for her retirement Left to right:  Dr Teatino, Dr Lim, Dr Geranmayeh and Dr Ridley
26th Jun

Blackwater Medical Centre bids farewell to longstanding GP

It is with sadness that Blackwater Medical Centre bid farewell to Dr Lim on 25th June 2024 as she retires.

Dr Lim has been at the surgery for 28 years and has spent 38 years practising medicine.  She has worked tirelessly and with dedication for patients over the years.  She is remembered for providing an integral part of the delivery of the Covid vaccine being rolled out during the pandemic. 

Dr Lim said, “Connecting and caring for my patients has been the most rewarding part of my 28 years at Blackwater Medical Centre”.   She added “I feel humbled and honoured to have been caring for three, sometimes four, generations and I thank the patients for the opportunity to provide care……. I am confident that in leaving, you will be in most capable hands with the doctors, nurses, and all supporting staff at Blackwater Medical Centre”.

The Partners and staff at the surgery took the opportunity of wishing Dr Lim all the very best in her retirement as she looks forward to spending time with loved ones and pursuing her passions.   She acknowledged that “good health is our most valuable asset”.

10th Jun

Essex Knitters and Stitchers

On the 6th June 2024 we received an email from Essex Knitters and Stitchers:


Dear Sally,

It was lovely meeting you again at the knitting group at Maldon Library on Tuesday.
On behalf of the Maldon group of the Essex Knitters and Stitchers I would like to thank the partners of the Blackwater Medical Centre for the very kind donation of £50. I can assure you will be put to good use for the purchasing of wool and fabric for our charity work.
I understand that you are very close to being awarded a dementia friendly practice certificate. We make items for dementia charities and would like to help to provide some items for use by dementia patients and will pass these to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest and support in the Essex Knitters and Stitchers.

Your sincerely
Wendy Morrissey
Organiser Essex Knitters and Stitchers

Image that says Dr Lim is due to retire end of June 2024
31st May

Dr Linda Lim Retirement Announcement

Dear Patients,


It is with mixed feelings that I announce my retirement at the end of June 2024 after 38 years of practising medicine.

Connecting and caring for my patients has been the most rewarding part of my 28 years at Blackwater Medical Centre.

I feel humbled and honoured to have been caring for three, sometimes four, generations and I thank the patients for the opportunity to provide care. I have come to know many of my ptients and staff as friends. However, it is time for me to pend time with loved ones and pursue my passions, whilst I enjoy good health, our most valuable asset. 

I want to thank all teh staff I have worked with over the years. Your support and camaraderie have been immense over the years and so much appreciated. I will miss being part of the team and I will miss you all for sure. 

I am confident that in leaving, you will be in most capable hands with the doctors, nurses and all supporting staff at Blackwater Medical Centre.

My thanks and my appreciation.

I wish you all the best.


Dr Linda Lim